Living Sacrifices

Therefore, I urge you brothers, to view God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God-this is your spiritual act of worship.

Romans 12:1

How can I do this? Romans goes on in verse 2 to say "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-His good, pleasing, and perfect will.

Offer your bodies...holy and pleasing AND be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Wow! Two excellent commands, easily implemented into our lives that CAN change our lives! Given these verses today to begin 2013 with will help get your resolutions back on track! I know by day 11 many of you have begun to fall back into old habits. Lets examine simple ways to keep on the right track with God's help!

Most important is the renewing of your mind. Did you resolve to read the Bible every day? To read the entire Bible in one year? Both are excellent resolutions, but lets face it, some parts of the Bible are just plain boring. Try to look at it like a novel. Olde English aside, there is plenty of sin, intrigue, adventure and so on to keep you coming back. Get a good Bible study, and work your way through it. Women of the Bible by Ann Spangler and Jean E. Syswerda is excellent. I have been in a small group doing this study (which is a year long study) and I have learned so much. Try reading one VERSE or one CHAPTER a day. Last year I began to post a verse on my FB as the first post each day. Next I found myself beginning to watch what I said on FB as well as what I read there and what I allowed to be posted on my timeline. If I didn't like it, I deleted it and/or notified the friend who posted it and/or reported it. By renewing my mind each day, I began to see how God was working in me to renew my mind as well.

My holy and pleasing body??? Hmmm. Now that one I struggle with. I am beginning a low carb diet today with my husband. He usually does much better than I, but I am determined to finish 2013 healthier that I began it! Low carb? Just  a step on my way to eating "clean." And I am sure that giving up all those processed carbs can't be bad. So I am off on the "Induction" phase for at least 3 weeks. By this time on Sunday I will be ready to go rob the Rainbow bakery of ALL of their bread, but if I can last through the first 3 days, I WILL be fine!

Not ready for a drastic step? Ok, how about giving up something small? Cut back on caffeine or soda. Alternate every soda with a water. Only drink caffeinated beverages before 11:00 AM, then switch to decaffeinated for the rest of the day. Decaf sweet tea tastes just as good.

Take small steps to ensure success, then your confidence will build, allowing you to make greater changes in your lifestyle and discontinue feeding your body and mind harmful things!


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