My Crazy Restaurant Experience

In the scheme of things, the craziest experience I ever had in a restaurant wasn't really earth-shattering or anything. I was about 20, I think. I was working as a bank teller and a cocktail waitress on the weekends. Monday night was the night everyone went out together because our bar was closed.

                                                     Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

There we were, sitting at a table as a group, enjoying the music. I remember I was wearing an angora camisole that I loved. I had coveted the top for weeks before actually purchasing it. The soft, sweet lavender color with rhinestone straps complemented my plum slacks perfectly. The new heels I wore were comfortable for standing, walking, and yes, dancing. I was smoking hot that night and I knew it. It was going to be the perfect night.

Photo by Eaters Collective on Unsplash

The dance floor had lights around the edge. This was something new in the '80s, at least in East Tennessee. I thought it was cool and I was dying to get out on the floor. The next thing I know, I was drenched in ice cold...TOMATO JUICE!  Yes...tomato juice. The waitress was flying by and lo and behold, she tripped, at which point she unceremoniously dumped SIX, yes, six Bloody Mary's on me. Luckily she missed my hair, but the rest of me was completely covered in ice and tomato juice as well as celery. My friend who was sitting next to me also had Bloody Mary all over her and the table, well let's just say we had to move to a new table.

Photo by Johann Trasch on Unsplash

Next thing I know there is lots of scurrying, towels, and tears(the waitress's first night working and all that). Let's just say I learned a valuable lesson. Don't sit next to the walkway!

Photo by Nikola Jovanovic on Unsplash

Y'all come back, now! 


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