
I have been thinking about goals this week. Goals for my life, goals for my family, goals for my career.  One thing I am sure of, is that God will do everything possible to help me reach those goals if I allow Him to. Instead of making lofty goals that I know I will not reach, I am looking inside to find goals within myself that will change things in my life in a positive way.

Here is a list I would like to accomplish this year.

  • Quiet time with God EVERY morning (so far, this is going well!)
  • Show God's love for me in my self in every way (this includes how I treat my family, friends and my face on facebook...working on it!)
  • Dedicated family time every day, even if its only 30 minutes (Phones, TV and computer OFF during this time)
  • Organize and simplify
  • When I say I am praying for someone...PRAY for them fervently
  • Spend special time with my children daily (on the phone or in person)
Pray for me to accomplish these goals...the other "STUFF" should fall right into place!


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