Valentine's Weekending Results

 St. Valentine's Day Advent chain was an awesomely fun project. Had the printer been cooperative, it would have been easier, but I learned how to write several different cute fonts, lol!

 Saturday morning, bright and early...Upward Cheerleading! So cute and I love how this program uses God's Word to train up Godly athletes.

 Had to make a small change in plans, to check on my grandmother who was in the final stages of Alzheimer's Sat with her a bit, held her hand and told her how much she meant to me as a child, as an adult and that it was ok for her to let go and head HOME.
 Next stop, Birthday parties for sweet little friends!
 Yes, we all skated...except dad, who says he doesn't know how and is too old to learn without breaking something!

 AFTER I tried to break my knee!
When we left the skating rink, we slid home in this...


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